Geoffrey Ansel Agrons

Geoffrey Agrons is a self-taught photographer living in the San Francisco Bay area. He is interested in the uneasy coexistence between human populations and the natural world, and is particularly intrigued by the range of contradictory emotional responses to the land-water interface, the ambiguity of natural and man-made objects encountered at the seaside between twilight and dawn, and the tension between untamed bodies of water and human expectations of permanence and control. Deeply influenced by Michael Kenna’s work, Geoffrey found that a mixture of awe, fear, longing, and imagined memories of our aquatic origins was amplified by working during the extremes of the day. He came to favor long exposures in low light as he examined the interaction between wind, waves, salt, and the human footprint, and came to think of his images as “melancholigraphs”.
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons
Photofy Partner - Geoffrey Ansel Agrons

Animated Characters

Art & Photography




Greek Life